Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Goodbye February.

March is almost here! Which is in a sense a good and bad thing.

Good: Quarter from hell almost over, St. Patrick's Day, Spring, Spring Break!
Bad: Quarter almost over I have so much work to do!!, Preview [AH!]

Don't mind me writing this list, it's just everything I need to finish:
Koi tattoo
[possible brochure]
Billboard->put into live surface
Print t-shirts
Print 1 page of temp tattoos
Preview book [photographs]
Eye Anomalies [watercolor, ink drawing, transfer]
Image Archive
Flash e-card
Flash Instructional
Finish After Effects movie [Serious UGH]

I have three weeks.
Throw 3 jobs, promoting, and a car build on top of that.
Can you tell I don't sleep much?

Once this quarter is over though...I am partying during Spring Break!
Well...kind of, I have so much other stuff I need to get done then that I've been putting off, but at least I'll probably be going skydiving! Another thing to cross off!
And I'm going to try and spend that week with my car and riding the SV650 since it'll finally be warm.

I'm hoping with some daily work planning things will go smoothly. I've decided to go about this damn movie in a different direction: 10 seconds a day (which should take less than an hour) instead of cramming doing 40 seconds into a day and reverting to drinking! Should work...right?

Aside from work and school, all I can say is...I'm happy :D
It feels good.

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