Tuesday, February 23, 2010

One thing I do miss...

Poppy fields in Poland. One of my favorite things in the world was to go on walks and find these fields and just lay in them for hours. I don't know, it was...freeing. The smell, the sounds. I miss home :(

I have this weird fascination with fields, almost like it's my safe place. Long time ago, an ex-boyfriend and I would always play these weird mind games, try and get into each others heads. He had a suspension chamber (straps though, not hooks) that I would go into to try and relax. Every time I ended up in a field inside my head. I think the wide nature of a field is what draws me in. Even though it is uncovered, you're safe within its grass and flowers, you can get lost in it. Maybe that's why my joy rides wind me up north rather than south, I'm looking for that safe haven.

Thinking about those mind games, crazy thing is, we got it work one time. Freaked me the hell out! It was one of those where it started with I'm thinking of a cube and it's this color, and he would finish it. He got in so deep so the actually saw the image of me in a field without me saying anything, figured out it was a poppy field and everything. That was the only time I really didn't feel safe. Come to think of it, fuck mind games!

*shutters* The dumb ass things I've gotten myself into. Well, you live and you learn.

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