Sunday, January 24, 2010


On a different, less disgusting note, I had insomnia last night. My brain (and stomach aches for that matter) decided that sleep was the last thing on my list. It's amazing the things you come up with at the most unexpected moments. Came up with another tattoo! I'm thinking I might get it this summer in Poland since it's more of a heritage piece.

Let me explain.

There is a form of traditional Polish art called Wycinanki. It's actually an amazing form of paper cutting. I remember walking through the main square in Krakow and watching artists on the street just doing silhouettes for people and they managed to get a perfect silhouette in under 5 minutes. Some of the designs are simplistic, but most are so intricate and complicated it's hard to believe it's just paper and scissors.

I'd probably find an original design off the street and go from there, I'm not even going to try to make my own, it'll be hopeless! I'm thinking either the top of my foot to ankle or back. Either way, it'll be the little piece of home that I'm looking for...

I also watched my all time favorite movie last night—High Fidelity.
It never gets old, and it's always hilarious.
Mainly because the music in it is fantastic.
I've never read the book...probably should...but I think it might kill the movie for me.

Mmmm. The Beta Band.

It's not the most insightful movie, but it does make you think. I look back on past relationships, past mistakes, life choices, and think what could have been.
I never regret anything I've done because it's made me what I am today. I made lots of mistakes. Holy shit a lot. But I don't regret a single one.

"What came first, the music or the misery? People worry about kids playing with guns, or watching violent videos, that some sort of culture of violence will take them over. Nobody worries about kids listening to thousands, literally thousands of songs about heartbreak, rejection, pain, misery and loss. Did I listen to pop music because I was miserable? Or was I miserable because I listened to pop music? "

You want insightful? Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Donnie Darko. Vanilla Sky. Memento. Fight Club. I can't sleep for hours after watching these movies but I always want more. Some days I want to live in that fucked up sense of reality just to experience something different. I'd compare it to being bumped by a stranger and getting that chill down your whole body. You don't know why you like it, but it makes you feel good. After all, it was just a bump.

It just takes one touch, one whisper, one moan. I do everything I do to find that chill. Whether it be in design, my career, relationships, anything.

I will always strive to be better and I know I'm on the right track when the chill overwhelms me.

Dream jobs:
Magazine Layout Designer
Club Design and Promotions (working in all aspects)
Graphic Designer for something music related

If I was to move....
1. Chicago
2. San Francisco
3. Nashville
4. Milan, Italy

I love Italy. The food, the people, the culture. It's amazing. Now, please, true Italian women are nothing like what is portrayed on shows like Jersey Shore and all that. These are not New York Italians. True Italians are laid back, loving, caring people with a strong cultural heritage.

I love Tennessee too. The weather is perfect. You're still far enough south to have the warmth but far enough north to experience snow. Gatlinburg is amazing in the winter. Never been to Nashville, heard it's amazing. If Gibson called me today to be their designer I would leave in a moment.

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